Thursday, November 20, 2014

Magazine Scans: People Magazine and Michael

You probably do not even know it but the popular magazine, People, is celebrating 40 years in publication this year and the magazine could not celebrate their milestone without mentioning Michael. The magazine have been following Michael's amazing career from their beginning in 1974 when Michael was 16, covered his historical career, the ups and downs of his celebrity, his horrific death and now covers his legacy and his heirs, his children. The reason why I am doing a blog post about the magazine is not because I want to celebrate their milestone. I am doing the post to show how this magazine went from idolizing Michael to slowing bashing him when things did not look good for Michael. I have a collection of Michael on the cover of the magazine which shows how the magazine changed their demeanor towards him. The magazine was a reflection of how most of the mainstream treated him over the years and currently. 

Michael on the cover of People in 1983.