Sunday, May 27, 2012

Clearing Things Up

I was looking up some things on when I stumbled upon a blog entry about Scott Thorson. This blog entry was from the blog Vindicate MJ,  it had a detailed entry about that Scott nut and I read things that I did not even know about. (click on the link to read the entry). The entry even used the information that I posted on this blog about Thorson. (thanks, Vindicate MJ for using the information for your entry)  When I was reading the rest of the entry and comments on the entry, I read one comment that was curious about the information regarding the promotional man who posted the truth about Scott in 2004. I realized that I did not go into detail about the promotional guy and where the information came from. 

Here is the deal: the information, like I stated on one of the entries, originally came from the National Enquirer discussion board. Of course, Scott’s “story” was one of the topics that were discussed. How I found out about this information was when I was a frequent member of the message board called which is now There was a section of the message board called “Enough is Enough” where members post tabloid articles that were negative towards Michael. I noticed one of the threads and I clicked on that thread. When I read the information, I did not see how the information was negative. The owner of the message board decided to close that thread. When that happened, I clicked on the link of where the information came from and I decided to go there and find out the information for myself. I read the information and when the promotional guy, who was named “filthy” on the board, told members to contact him privately if they wanted to ask him anything, I registered on that discussion board and asked him some questions. I remember asking him why he did not go on the Michael Jackson message boards and I will never forget his answer. He told me that he did not like the fans, they would never believe him and that the fans treated Michael like a deity. 

Based on what he posted, he seemed like a black man to me. Sidenote: Please do not ask me how I can tell who someone’s race is by their posts on a website. I am a weirdo. LOL. Anyway, so I asked him if he was black and he told me he was. Then he told me that I had bad grammar. LOL. I did ask him some more questions, but I will reveal that in another time. I never got a chance to get to know more about him and his relationship with Michael because the discussion board was not working and suddenly disappeared. It was weird and I regretted not asking all of the questions that I wanted to ask him all at once. I will state this – I did get some more information about his time with Michael and what he knew about Michael through another MJ fan who I will not name for privacy reasons. The promotional guy or “filthy” was pretty much credible, honest and I have no doubt in my mind he was not creating things. At that time, the trial did not start and we had no idea how this trial was going to play out. Anything was possible. Also, at the time that the information was posted in 2004, the promotional guy had since retired from working for Michael and I am not sure if he had any type of contract with Michael in which he could not reveal things about him. I will state that the promotional guy had been working with Michael since Michael was a child. He was hired by Joseph in the 1970s and in the early 1980s, he was hired to work exclusively with Michael. Also, the promotional guy loved Michael like a son. So, that is that.

I forgot to mention on my entry regarding Scott that Entertainment Tonight has been known to pay for interviews. One of the producers from the horrible tabloid show, Hard Copy also works for ET. Some five years ago, a former ET reporter by the name of Booker was a DJ for a local radio show here in Philadelphia and he talked a little about his experience working for Entertainment Tonight back in 2003. Booker stated that ET paid for interviews. We all know that a former employee of ET would not make that up. I can safely assume, based on what Booker stated about ET, that Thorson was paid by the show to spread his lies about Michael. Anything for ratings; isn’t that pathetic?

BTW, tomorrow, May 28th is Memorial Day and what a lot of people do not know is that Michael was a supporter of the troops. In 2007, Michael visited a camp base in Japan called Camp Zama. This is great footage of him being there meeting the families of the soldiers fighting the good fight. 

Michael at Camp Zama in 2007.



Blog Posts -
From Vindicate MJ "LIES ABOUT MICHAEL JACKSON. Will Scott Thorson understand that blood money has never done anyone any good?"

Video -
Michael visiting Camp Zama in 2007 in Japan from